Indeed you can! We recommend you, from the start you check the quality by getting a free preliminary around a couple of pictures before putting in the request.

Obviously, you can unwind about the theme. Its customized, profoundly verified and may be shared between CPE staff and "YOU".

100% Guarantee for security. We have verified server farm have firewall designed. What's more, our neighborhood PCs had infection insurance.

We are proficient. We don't uncover/share any of the pictures you request. On the off chance that you wish, we can sign NDA paper.

We acknowledge the accompanying configuration to be use on photograph altering: PSD, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, PNG, DMG, GIF

It's extremely simple to land cited about the position you need to put. Simply utilize our Free Trial structure, top them off and send your pictures with the guidance. Truly we will answer inside a brief timeframe as quickly as time permits.

In spite of the fact that there is a bouncing to transfer the pictures through a web structure to email. You can connect up to 2 pictures in Free Trial structure and the greatest size of each document ought to be 5 MB. On the off chance that you have a greater document than 5MB you should utilize the FTP framework.

We work in farthest point time in a day (9-12 hours) and 6 days in seven days. Friday is our Weekend. Be that as it may, our client care is constantly alert. Attempt us!

It relies upon the activity's amount and picture multifaceted nature. We typically take 12 - 16 hours to finish the activity. In the event that we need further occasions to be finished the activity, we will advise you.

For modest quantity of pictures, you can utilize Wetransfer.com to (info@clipping-experts.com). Also, for enormous volume you've to utilize FTP framework.

Truly! It's a decent question about the finished employments. In any case, it is uncommon of discussing our work. Since, we continue your work by exceptionally talented DTP experts. In the event that, on the off chance that you discover any issue with our work please guarantee us with composing an email immediately and we will watch and exertion our better than fix it inside the term time without additional expense. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you still not happy with the work we did. We don't charge you for anything.

Truly, sure, we've devoted Quality Control Department (Q.C Dept) to check picture for its quality. We don't convey any single picture without checked by our Q.C Dept.

Completely, there are such huge numbers of customers who send us continuous ventures throughout the week/month/year. On the off chance that you turn, you can likewise have a week by week or regularly scheduled installment plan.

Every one of our planners are exceptionally talented and all around prepared. They contribute all their push to your works. CPE ensures the fulfillment of value work by taking multiple times QC (Quality Checking) before presenting the last errand.

Since its being arranged low work cost zone (Bangladesh), we are for the most part ready to give exceptionally focused rate to your activity thinking about great errand.

It isn't critical to pay before the work done. From the outset you expect your finished work and make some seeing on it. At that point in the event that you content with the finished work, we will send you a receipt with every one of the subtleties. Our satisfactory installment techniques are Paypal, MasterCard, Visa, Bank Transfer.